The OpenESPI Development Virtual Machine is a Linux Ubuntu desktop environment that may be used to jump start your OpenESPI development efforts.

The following instructions should be followed to configure the Pivotal Spring Tool Suite development IDE

#Download the VM and VMware Player

You will need to download and install VMware Player (Windows/Linux) or Fusion (Mac) to run the virtual machine on your PC.

Next, download the virtual machine:

#VM Configuration Instructions

  1. NOTE: The Virtual Machine is downloaded as a compressed file. On Windows 7, we have noticed that WinZip is required to de-compress the VM folder! </ol>
  2. When asked if VM was "copied" or "moved", select "copied"
  3. login as bitnami (the default but will say "Authorized User" in menu) with password: password
  4. setup github keys
    1. If you have already configured your keys:
      1. from a local VM terminal:
        1. copy your keys to the /home/bitnami/.ssh
        2. sudo chmod 600 id_rsa (assumes private key is id_rsa) to set permissions on private key
        3. ssh –T [email protected] (to test keys and verify you connect to git securely)
    2. If you have not made keys, Follow procedure defined at Github (start at step Next: Set Up SSH Keys)
    3. Note: You might want to save these keys for use on other computers/platforms if desired
    1. Use Firefox and go to:
    2. login to GitHub using your credentials {gitUserName : pw}
    3. navigate to the repository
    4. On GitHub, fork the master branch of the OpenESPI repository
  5. Configure your local git repository: from a local VM Terminal, do git commands to configure the git workspace
    1. git config --global "Firstname Lastname"
    2. git config --global "[email protected]"
    3. git config --global github.user {gitUserName}

      Run STS

    1. Run STS from the shortcut on the VM Desktop (choose Workspace OpenESPIWorkspace)
    2. When you first start your development, you should pull the current repository versions down to your VM. This is easily accomplished by:
      1. Right-Click on the repository.
      2. select "Team/Pull" to get the current repository changes
      3. accepting all of the changes
      4. and doing a Clean/Build of the updated repository.
      5. </ol> At this point you should be able to run the current versions of DataCustodian and ThirdParty. Right-click on DataCustodian or ThirdParty projects and select Run/Run on Server.